Understanding the Travel Trade & Australian & German Markets
Tuesday 27th November 2018 from 10:30 until 15:30
The Yarn Market Training Room, Dunster
The travel trade can appear a complex web of acronyms, rates and appear difficult to access. This workshop is designed to unravel the mystery and introduce participants to understanding and working with the travel trade and intermediaries. This is an effective way to reach larger numbers of potential travellers of a target market, provide access to new markets, broaden your customer base and work with travel distribution systems. The workshop will also cover the needs of international visitors with a particular focus on Australia and Germany. Cost: £20.00 per person to include refreshments and a light lunch.
Find out more and booking information at http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07efqn7ecs51f087c1&llr=vjzs4adab